Teaching How to

Meet Alicia Hughes

Alicia has over a decade serving as a virtual leader and over 14 years in the virtual space. She has learned what works and is ready to share. She has been responsible for consistent staff satisfaction and organizational growth during her time as a leader. She has served as a teacher, a staff leader, an assistant principal, a principal and Executive Director of the largest public school in the state of South Carolina.

It would be nearly impossible to find someone with more enthusiasm for virtual leadership and relationship building then Alicia. She will bring fiery energy and passion to your every need. You will literally feel her spark through your screen!

This ball of fire is an expert in the virtual space. Alicia will provide virtual leaders the tools to actively engage staff and build relationships and culture remotely.

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  • Little Learnings Everywhere

    Little Learnings Everywhere

    I am knee deep in learning allllllllll the things in order to be a successful business owner. And, as often happens when learning allllllllllll the things, I am finding GREAT resources and not so great…

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  • The Vast Virtual Network

    The Vast Virtual Network

    I was at my previous organization for over 14 years. And a lot of that was because I loved it so. And felt fulfilled. And felt passionate. But a few years ago I started to…

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  • Virtual Office = Virtually Anywhere!

    Listen! Here is the BIGGEST perk of the Virtual World. That I DO NOT TAKE ADVANTAGE OF ENOUGH. You can literally work from AnYwHeRe. And yet……if you are like me, you do not take advantage…

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Ready to take your
virtual leadership and relationship-building
skills to the next level?

Contact Alicia today to learn more about her services and start your journey towards virtual excellence.

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